02 9624 4300 | info@restorations.com.au
C&D Restorartions

our services

Trust C & D Restorations to put it right

We recognise that every accident is inconvenient, every disaster stressful. Whether at the workplace or at home, things need to be put right as fast as possible, wherever they are.

With the latest technology and equipment, we can have things back in order fast. Our range of services means you can rely on us, around the clock.

Drying and cleaning carpets

Carpet Drying and Cleaning

C & D Restorations are experts at restoring carpets and other floor coverings.

After flooding or fire, carpets can become soiled and wet. C & D will lift carpets and thoroughly dry the flooring underneath. Carpets are then cleaned and deodorised.

Post-flood floor and sub-floor restorations

Post-flood floor and sub-floor restorations

Water from flooding or fire hoses can seriously damage just about any type of flooring.

C & D Restorations have an enormous range of dryers and dehumidifiers to remove moisture as quickly as possible. Once the water has been extracted and floors dried, its condition can then be accurately assessed.

Smoke Damage

Smoke contains many caustic chemicals that can damage and discolour household surfaces. Normal cleaning methods are rarely adequate when cleaning and restoring smoke damage.

C & D Restorations have more than twenty years experience, the latest technology and techniques for cleaning and decontaminating fire and smoke damage.

Air quality testing

Indoor air quality

Home or office affected by dust, mould, chemicals or general indoor air pollutants?

We have the equipment and expertise to conduct testing to ensure a healthy working or living environment.

We understand how air conditioning systems, building design and materials affect indoor air quality. We are able to advise on potential indoor air pollution sources, as well as simple solutions to ensure clean and healthy indoor environments.

Cleaning clothes and furnishings

Soiled clothes and furnishings

Even in areas untouched by fire, smoke can get into clothes, curtains, rugs, upholstery and bedding, causing it to smell. The odours can be extremely difficult to remove. C & D Restorations have expert cleaning techniques for all these materials.
Removing mould and damp

Mould Removal

Mould can be very dangerous for your health and damaging to your property. It spreads quickly and is extremely hard to eliminate completely without the right techniques. C & D Restorations are experts in mould removal and prevention – even in hard to reach and hidden areas.
Electronics and telecommunications repairs

Electronics and telecommunication repairs

Water and electronics don’t mix. Even a small amount of water such as a leaking roof can cause havoc with sensitive equipment. Our technicians are trained in electronics assessment and repair. We can quickly advise what is damaged beyond saving and organise repair of the rest.
Natural disaster

Natural Disaster Specialist

After a major natural disaster, it can be hard to know where to begin. The first step is a call to our 24-hour hotline. We have an extensive inventory of restoration equipment and teams of qualified and accredited technicians who are ready to go to all areas of NSW.
Restoration of water damaged books and documents

Document and Book Restoration

In the aftermath of a fire or flood, some of the most treasured and irreplaceable contents include important documents, books and photos. With years of recovery experience and development of document restoration processes, C & D Restorations can help save sensitive and sentimental documents. Thanks to advances in technology and equipment, we can restore almost any type of document.
Bacteria and parasite detection and removal

Bacteria and parasite detection and removal

After flooding, there is a real risk of contamination from water, mud, rubbish and overflowing sewerage. C & D Restorations can test for bacteria and parasites on your premises and decontaminate if necessary.
Confined space and high-rise restorations

Specialists in difficult access areas

When restoration work is required in confined spaces, such as under floor areas, or in difficult access areas such as high-rise structures, C & D have specialist technicians qualified for the job.